Letting Go… What If Holding On Is The Answer?

What if the secret to letting go is holding on? How intriguing does that sound?

Have you ever struggled with the concept of letting go, whether it be of someone, something, or the memory of an overwhelming experience?

Perhaps you have gone through the frustration that can arise when you’re simply told that you have to ‘just let it go’? And then you find yourself wondering how to let go of an aspect that was once part of you… part of your heart… part of your life… part of your expected future, or equally something that was stripped from you and your life?

There are countless strategies, tools, and techniques available to help work through the process of letting go. In this post, my goal is to offer a different perspective and explore the concept of holding on.

Imagine a hot air balloon in an open field. The balloon lies empty and deflated until it is needed. When it is time to take flight, preparations begin to ready it for take-off. First and foremost, it is weighted down to keep it grounded as the hot air begins to fill and expand the balloon. Once it has reached its optimum state, the weights are released, and it floats up, up, up into the air.

Now imagine the hot air filling the balloon beyond its capacity before the weights and ties holding it on the ground are released… at some point, the balloon will have no choice but to rise, and anything holding it down will simply yield and break free.

This is a beautiful metaphor to visually understand how we can create a similar rising and subsequent release in our own lives.

Just like the balloon that becomes so expansive and full that it breaks free from its tethers, we can engage the sheer force of our thoughts and create enough momentum that we also can spontaneously break free from our tethers that bind.  Our capacity to hold on to anything less weakens when our attention is intently directed toward all that uplifts and enriches us. As a result, our limiting thoughts and weighted burdens begin to let go and release themselves on their own.

Is there anything weighing you down, creating conflict, or keeping you from loving life? Are you carrying negative energies that are no longer serving you? Do you ever feel like the balloon when it is tied and grounded?

If there is any part of you that intuitively knows it is time for you to let go of something and you are feeling some resistance or fear, now is the time to explore what life could feel like on the other side of this situation. What if you decided to try it and focus on everything that feels good, brings joy, and adds value to your life and emotional well-being? What might be waiting for you just around the next corner?


If you are up for an adventure and open to trying something new, here is my Freedom 1-2-3 Method explaining how you can practice letting go by holding on. It’s relatively simple and easy to do as long as you are willing to tap into some of your mind-muscle and heart power.

1.      Make Two Lists

  • Make a list of anything and everything that comes to mind when you think about what might be holding you back, weighing you down, keeping you stuck, keeping you awake at night, or creating pain and suffering throughout your days. The more honest and authentic you are with yourself, the greater your insights and potential outcomes may be. Your awareness will help you become clearer about where you may choose to begin.

  • Make another list. This list will highlight anything and everything you want to continue, expand and create more of in your life. What brings you joy? What puts a smile on your face? What lifts you up? What hopes and dreams are awaiting your attention and focus? You might include people, places, pets, hobbies, music, books, or activities in your list. Are there specific movies or songs that make you come alive? The idea here is to generate a ‘go-to’ list of things you can think about or shift into when you find yourself beginning to feel drawn away from feeling good and pulled toward negative energies. The idea is to fill your balloon with things you want to hold on to now and things you want to attract into your world.

2.      Care About The Way You Feel

  • From this moment on, commit to caring about how you feel. Pay attention to the cues and messages available to you through your emotional guidance system and intuition. Note when you feel good and when there is a welcomed lightness about you. Note when you are feeling yucky and when there is a heavy, tight, or burdened feeling within.

3.      Respond To Your Emotional Guidance System

  • Whenever you are experiencing negative or restrictive emotions/feelings, you are given a signal and an invitation to redirect your thinking and initiate your ‘hot air’ thoughts. (If it resonates to do so, acknowledge the heaviness or weight of what you are feeling and note any awarenesses that result. You might also choose to journal, sit in silence, or do anything else that comes to mind. Spend as much time as you wish.) Then, focus on the list you created to help lift your spirits. Use it to shift your thoughts toward the joy, love, hope, dreams, and beautiful ideas that warm your heart and nourish your Soul.

Anything and everything you do to move towards finding relief and thinking better thoughts will help raise your frequency and vibration and will position you to create better experiences.

Let me know how it goes if you give this a try. And if you want to explore how you can experience even greater healing and freedom in your life, book a complimentary call with me and we can discuss the options.

Book with me here… Let’s Connect.

Please note that the intention behind this approach is to help you shift and redirect your thoughts/feelings/emotions in any given moment, allowing you the opportunity to simply feel better while focusing on maintaining or expanding your vibration or frequency.

When deeper healing and/or professional therapy is warranted, you are encouraged to seek additional support and treatment. This post is intended for informational purposes and is not intended as professional or medical advice in any manner.

Melissa Lyons

Hi! I am Melissa, and I am honored to share this precious moment with you. In case we haven’t met, I thought I’d give you a peek into who I am and perhaps shed some light on why our paths have crossed.

I am a sensitive and loving Soul. I am a mother, a wife, a daughter, a sister, a friend, and a lover of all sorts of adventures. I am an international best-selling author and an Intuitive Life Coach specializing in self-discovery. After decades of corporate and entrepreneurial experience, I realized my calling was to help people make sense of their lives.

I love helping people find the answers to life’s most challenging questions, including ‘Why is this happening to me?’, ‘How can I recover?’ and ‘How can I create more meaning in my life?’. 

I have been described as raw and relatable, and I understand why.  Throughout my life, I have experienced pain, loss, emotional distress, deep disappointments, and extended periods of self-loathing. At one point amid my darkness, I made the choice to find my light. It hit bottom, and I said to myself, enough! That’s enough!

And here we are together! I look forward to whatever the future holds for us! XOXO


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